A feeling among the colonies that they did not belong to England and a lack of unity among them.
The Seven Years’ War.
France, Great Britain, Spain, and Native people.
France had to cede territories to Britain, making England the most powerful empire.
Settlements west of a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains.
A loose confederation of Native Americans dissatisfied with British rule in the Great Lakes Region.
Britain incurred a significant war debt, leading to taxation of the colonies.
The Prime Minister who concluded that colonists should help pay for the war due to their benefits from it.
A law requiring tax stamps on printed materials, which catalyzed protests and resistance among colonists.
Patrick Henry.
To impose new taxes on imported goods like paper, glass, lead, and tea.
The English defense that Parliament represented all English subjects, regardless of whether they could vote.
Samuel Adams.
They promoted boycotts and created "homespun fabric" as part of their commitment to liberty.
Sarah Bradlee Fulton.
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Explore the growing tensions between England and its American colonies leading to the War of Independence. Discover the impact of the Seven Years' War, the French and Indian War, and the Treaty of Paris on colonial unity and aspirations for independence.
1. Women also took part in the resistance trying to prove their commitment to the cause of liberty and _____.
2. There was a growing political antagonism between England and her American _____.
3. The Seven Years’ War was, in a way, the first global war, as it implied different _____.
4. The Royal Proclamation forbade settlements west of a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains (Indian ____).
5. The Stamp Act required tax stamps on printed materials: documents had to carry a stamp in order to be _____.
6. Grenville, George III Prime Minister, concluded that since the colonists had benefited from the war, they should be asked to pay a large share in running the _____.
7. The Tea Act granted the East India Company a monopoly on tea sales in the American _____.
8. On March 5, 1770 happened the “Incident on King Street”: a crowd began to harass and throw snowballs at the _____.
9. Paul Revere rode at night to warn the local militias at Lexington and _____.
10. The purpose was to support Boston, and to work out a unified approach to the British _____.
The path to American independence was shaped by a series of political tensions, colonial identities, and significant historical conflicts. These elements collectively fueled revolutionary sentiments among colonists, leading to their eventual break from British rule.
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